Thursday, December 28, 2006
A Samus for my Sister
As mentioned in the previous post, I knit my sister a sweater. I don't have the photos of her wearing it yet, but I do have the ones I took before I gave it to her.

This sweater was actually mentioned several times on this blog, but not directly. It was the mystery project mentioned here. You see, if you look at this sweater, it has a rather elaborate cabled waistband. I had a spreadsheet on my computer set up to do this (I didn't use charts yet, so I needed the written instructions), so I was tied to my chair in order to knit it. (Uh, not literally tied, although sometimes I got very tangled in the yarn.), and the first half of the waistband took forEVER.

Fortunately, as I mentioned rather cryptically in that entry, I learned how to cable without a cable needle (Thanks, Grumperina!), which sped the process up a great deal.

So here it is in all its glory. This is Samus, from Knitty.

Samus Cuff Detail 2

Samus 2

It was knit in Knit Picks Wool of the Andes in Hollyberry, on a Denise size 7. I have no idea how many balls of yarn I used. (Sorry. I'm a bad knitblogger.) It is lovely and pretty and my sister really likes it. I'm going to put some form of closures on it (a zipper? Toggles? This is to be decided), but other than that it's all done, including the endless, ENDLESS applied i-cord around the entire edge of the sweater.

It is an excellent pattern and very easy to follow. Instructions were clear, photos were helpful, and the sweater looks great. It's pretty good for my second sweater ever, I think. (Tubey was the third.)
Blogger Zonda said...
That is gorgeous! I love that color! :)

Blogger Kate said...
I really love the sweater--some day I need to knit one for me!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think that is fabulous! I think you should do toggles, even if it is just for show and you also end up putting in a zipper